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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pictures of Happiness

Elijah and Samuel trying on hats. Fit like a glove, clearly. We had a race the entire trip to see if the girls could ever make it out of the bathrooms before the boys. The only time we thought we had won, we sat smug and excited outside the bathrooms. About five minutes later, we realized the boys were in the store next to us doing this. Losers. I mean stupid kids. I mean weirdos. I mean..never mind. I have competition issues.

OK, this doesn't show up so much in the pictures, but the resemblance between the teeth on these two is UNcanny. Unreal. They are brothers. Clearly.

I don't understand what Samuel thinks I am saying, but when I say, "SAY Happy DISNEYland," so that everyone is smiling on the word happy, he must hear, "Sam, be as weird as possible." To which he internally replies, "check."

This was such a fun, and long awaited, trip. We are a tad poorer, but with all the pending rottenness coming up, I wouldn't have done anything differently.

Friday, January 28, 2011

I Am

going to attempt to run three miles tomorrow. Some of you are thinking big deal. You people clearly don't know my limits. You people clearly have not seen me run. It will not be pretty, but I am going to run for three miles. There is a chance I will die directly afterward. It has been swell. Good night and big balls.

Monday, January 24, 2011

NO pictures just yet

BUT here are a couple of tidbits from our trip:

the drive there wasn't as terrible as we thought it would be.
the ride home was.
Big Thunder Mountain was the favorite roller coaster of the weekend. Loved by even the smallest little Brewer.
EVERYONE agreed Pirates was the best ride EV.ER.
Mickey Mouse ice cream heads are from Jesus.
Four year olds are still grumpy even in the happiest place on earth.

Conversation recap between The Man and Sam Fisher (4) after eating ice cream-
The Man: Sam, you have ice cream in your nose. How do you get ice cream IN your nose?
Sam: Do you really want to know?

They do not sell spanking spoons or harnesses at the happiest place on earth.
My teenager isn't a punk whilst in the happiest place on earth.
Five is a lot of kids, but one more would have made for a lot less hassle when we were trying to figure out who was riding with whom every half hour. Someone was always left alone.

Conversation recap between The Man and Sam Fisher (4) while driving over hill and dale along the 395-
Sam: WHOA those hills almost make my wiener tickle!!!
later on one of the rides in a not at all quiet voice-
Sam in fits of giggles- That one really DID make my wiener tickle!!

In vehicle dvd players are from Jesus.
We make sad faces when our favorite rides are closed: Splash Mountain and Mickey's Toontown.
Fireworks at the happiest place on earth are the best in the world.
Captain Jack is still sort of hot even in wax form.

Monday, January 17, 2011

What Are You Doing This Weekend?

WEEEE are going to this place. See you later alligators.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Why I Like Mike #27

Right now we are in bed with our laptops on our...well, our laps after a long night of studying. He has taken a break to:

google my name- he is clearly impressed by how many pages I take up.
play hearts on his 'puter
and, check out The Pioneer Woman website.

He is mine ladies. back off.

Monday, January 03, 2011


My list of things that will change in the coming year seems so much smaller than usual. One year, The man and I rattled on for hours of all the things that would happen. I guess the only thing I can figure is I am focused. This year marks the beginning and end of a few major events.

This year

I will graduate AGAIN, but this time I will be a master. (If I only had a wand!!)

My husband will become a paramedic/firefighter

My husband will either lose his job, or he will keep it. Either way that's a big deal.

My children will all become school aged children. My baby will turn five.

That means he will start kindergarten.

We will be involved in some capacity in a mission trip to Africa.

My daughter will become a teenager. A real one. Sigh. I am not ready for this.

The Squirrel will get her two front teeth.

and, I will run a half-marathon (and by run, I mean ride the pony called the sag wagon over the finish line.) Please, call me Forrest.

What have you got planned for this year? Make it a good one.