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Monday, September 05, 2005

oh yah

uuum i tag my friend no(dot dot)el, her ginormous man moses, and Laura? do you have a blog?
the rest of you..i am just scared i think, to know more about you.


  1. you're tagging 3 people? what kind of tag did you grow up playing?

    oh, you were the one that always made up new rules as the game went along . . .

  2. You askin' me if I have a blog? Or are you tagging me? Huh? LOL
    No I don't have a blog, it would kinda freak me out for everyone to read everything Im thinking...and knowing me I could tick a lot of people off. :P
    But I love reading yours! :D

  3. ya bunch of chickens...bawcck,bawcck,bawcck!!!

  4. this tag thing is confusing my complex mind...

  5. i have a job. i am a contract killer. it's messy but someones gotta do diapers ya know?

    and moses!!! there is no base you girl!
