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Tuesday, December 27, 2005


soooo we spent all day on the phone with insurance regarding vasectomies and ultrasounds. what did YOU do today?
we get to find out our baby gender on thursday....any wagers.
i say girl. dont tell the man i said that! :/


  1. what a difference a day makes 24 lil hours. i'm singing, i'm on a blog and i'm singing....
    akay, my guess which i am never right..... is....... 50/50 chance here and i still can't decide.

  2. oh yes if i ever wanted to comment back to "the troll" it is here but i am showing self-control.
    have mike talk to the giant no worries he'll be back to work the next day.

  3. boy
    boy oh boy

    i think it's a boy :)

  4. My bet is on either a girl or a boy.

  5. sometimes i skim and think you wrote thorn is a flag. then i furrow my brow in true addison style and THEN i get it. sigh. its late, just got home from work and our usually insane new years eve weekend weather has called my handsome man away for the rest of the night, and tomorrow...and the next day.
