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Sunday, June 25, 2006


How can they just no longer make Peach flavored Jolly Ranchers. Is this even legal!!? I did a search on eBay for crying out loud, and only got one response. And it was for Peach scented Jolly Rancher oils. What? What is happening? I need peach Jolly Ranchers. They are just no where to be found. Catastrophe.


  1. I'm sorry. This is my fault. When I have a favorite of flavor of anything, it always gets discontinued or removed. In high school, it was the tan M&M. Then the Champagne Punch Jelly Belly, Monkey Wrench Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, One Sweet Whirled Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, and now the peach Jolly Rancher. Please accept my apology for choosing peach as my favorite... :)

  2. we should petition. maybe start a website called ""

  3. lol> ack!! NOT THE HOSTESS CUPCAKE! seriously though. anyone know how to get me a peach jolly rancher?

  4. thats because Peach was the worst flavor in the whole bag, when I'd get them, I'd eat all the peaches first so I'd get them out of the way and have all the good flavors left.

    I would like to personally thank the Jolly Rancher company for not making the worst flavor ever.

  5. Found them! Peach is in the Passion Fruit bag now!!!
