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Sunday, August 27, 2006

I love presents

Especially when they help my entire day run so fantastically. I got this very special little gift from my friend, Stephanie, who obviously knows the importance of caffeine and its effects on a body. So, hey, thanks Friend.
I admit I was a little overly attached to my last coffee maker. I didn't realize it though until I actually almost teared up when it broke. It has been laid to rest, but I haven't had the heart to throw out the pods. Sigh. I think it is time. ::sniff:: beeeee strong.


  1. Slowly, oh so slowly, carry the pods over to the trash . . . gently lift one finger at a time until your grip has completely vanished . . . it's going to be okay . . . letting go of the past is key to enjoying the future . . . . be brave, little soldier . . .

  2. shontell-I will be thinking of you during this time of loss. Just remember, it's in a better place now. (Okay, so maybe your trash can isn't really a better place...)

  3. LOL. I still haven't thrown them away! Pluck, I thought of that part on Black Sheep where Chris Farley goes flying down the side of the hill. He grabs on to these little weeds to finally stop himself and says, "oh, thank you little weeds. Stay strong. Please stay strong little roots." Then plummets a good 100 more feet into the house. Super classic.

  4. Seeing as the last time I saw you was in a Starbucks with your family before baby was born and seeing that I've been
    Starbucks deprived for basically about a month, I sympathize. But I'm just explaining, not complaining....Still don't have a coffee maker here in Hungary...So when you drink your first brew, would you think of me and do a little cheers to the sky for one of the greatest gifts on earth....good coffee? (none of that Nescafe jank of which I've been sippin...less and less of too......)
