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Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas cards

Mail time around here is never nearly as exciting as it is for Steve Burns on Blue's Clues. Usually we get bad news by way of bills, but today I almost broke into the Mailtime dance when we got presents and cards from friends and family we don't get to see much. Email is great, but there is just something sweet about getting a card in the mail, with hand written names especially. Even better? when Grandma sends you a Christmas present you weren't expecting. We now have enough money to buy Mike's tires for his Jeep. This means we can sell my car and get a little closer to living debt free. With my sweet winnings from the Wheel, we should be debt free AND own a new family vehicle by June. It is nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is still reeeeeeeeaally tiny.


  1. I LOVE getting stuff in the mail. being that my love languauge is words of affirmation you can imagine how excited i get when words are down on paper how incredible a feeling this is for me.

  2. ooh I will make a note of that. I had no idea your love language was words. When I was trying to figure out The Man's I tried this avenue of affirming a few times. It was awkward for me, because I am black hearted and these words do not come naturally. lol It was worse for him, because, as it turns out, he is too. He said I was silly and that I could stop complimenting him. How is that for honest communication! LOL I love it. I don't know how I could have been so blind not to see his love language is acts of service. Strange but true.

  3. my love language is gifts. of money. large bills, actually. lots of them.

  4. thee hee hee. jessie , i don't mind that either!!

  5. Ya'll are so funny! I'm so happy for you guys... The light at the end of the tunnel leading out of debt is so awesome... Just being able to see that light is a vast improvement over being buried in the debt!

  6. lol. yes well, my love language can best be expressed in a monologue from the made for tv series "Leave it to Beaver." You know the one where the lady's house is cleaned by an entire staff and her children only live life according to a thoughtfully prepared script.
