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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Hey just wanted to send out an invite to any of you who A) read my blog, B) know me personally C) know how to get to the Cook's house, and D) like dessert to come to the Cook's for the Reno chapter of the Wheel Party :) We will meet at 7pm on Thursday March 1st for a little treat eating and watch the show. Don't bring anything except your family and your clapping hands. Give me a call if you are able to make it.

ps- for those of you who can't make it, my show actually airs on Monday February 26th. :) Feel free to call, but we won't be home until after small group.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Those Quiet Bible Times

I was writing in my prayer journal about how lame I was for not getting to my quiet time until just a little while ago. I had my list of reasons all day long, but I could feel God just waiting for me. Anyway, when I asked God to show me something through my reading I expected a gentle nudge toward keeping God a priority or sticking to my commitments. Instead I got 2 Chronicles 14: 14 "..They plundered all these villages, since there was so much booty there." SNORT! I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I can't believe I didn't get to have this one all day. I guess that is what I get for waiting so long lol

*PS I KNOW there is no rule against reading your Biblio at night.. but considering all the pouring out I need to do all day, it works best for me to set up for the day. I think many moms can relate.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Emotional stages

They say there are different stages a person goes through when faced with a difficult situation. I have been through a few with my car situation. Today I am angry. It will pass, I am sure. We can't go to church this weekend because we don't have a ride and The Man has school. Then we can't go next weekend because I will be out of town and The Man will have no way of getting the younguns' there. All of this would be an un-issue (my own special word) if we had a large enough car. I hate being patient. I am no good at it. Four years now we have been praying for a car. Isn't that an overly long time to wait for something? We pray with the kids every night about a vehicle and the only thing we have heard so far is how big it should be. That's all. Just how big. So this weekend I told the kids we wouldn't be able to go to church and they were just so sad. :( This causes me sadness which quickly turns to anger. Not at anyone..just the situation. While I was busy stewing this morning, Isabelle came out of her room and anounced that if she can't GO to church she is going to have church here, in her room. She gathered all of my worship music papers, set her table up for craft time, and opened her bible to Mathew chapter 4. She led the kids in worship, read them their lesson for the day, and ended in "Kidland" with making cards for their Kidland leader family to tell them how much they were missed. SIGH I see in them exactly what Jesus meant when he said we should have child like faith. I have so far to go.

oh, and Ms. Stephanie, thanks for having such a great impact on my children. You are very loved by all of us!

Why I Like Mike #13

Last night at school, he interviewed for the position of class leader for this semester of the Fire Academy. Of course he got it. :) And, it wasn't just any interview. They called in the freshmen and second varsity class, and he had to interview in front of everyone! Talk about pressure! He will be sharing the honor with another guy in his class. I wish I had half the determination he does. He just DECIDES and does it! I tend to come up with a grand scheme, spend some money toward accomplishing it, and take a nap...or spend my night posting blogs. Why can't I get past the laziness. I have zero self discipline. This could be bad.