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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Why I Like Mike #13

Last night at school, he interviewed for the position of class leader for this semester of the Fire Academy. Of course he got it. :) And, it wasn't just any interview. They called in the freshmen and second varsity class, and he had to interview in front of everyone! Talk about pressure! He will be sharing the honor with another guy in his class. I wish I had half the determination he does. He just DECIDES and does it! I tend to come up with a grand scheme, spend some money toward accomplishing it, and take a nap...or spend my night posting blogs. Why can't I get past the laziness. I have zero self discipline. This could be bad.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... That doesn't sound like anybody I know... Nap? I don't need no stinkin'--ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...
