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Saturday, June 23, 2007

I think I am getting old

Theatrical Trailer Tonight, my sister-by-law-friend-by-choice and I went on a date. I like to date people regularly to keep things lively. Anyhoo, we started at Applebee's and finished with a movie. We watched Mr. Brooks with the past his prime favorite, Kevin Costner. It was a pretty decent movie. Lots of comic relief (although I must say, whether the movie was intentionally comedic or not makes no difference for me; I find humor in the most unhumorous situations. i.e., like when my other sister-by-law-friend-by-choice called me for the fourth time in a morning. Only this time she was calling to say that her earlier remarks of "where the heck is my housekeeper! That lady better be dead or in an accident!" were no longer appropriate considering her housekeeper died in a car accident on the way to her house. I know..not really funny, but kinda funny.)

Again, I digress. The movie is worth the watch. Only, I jumped so many times I nearly peed..twice. After each incident, I hollared CLEAR. That is what people yell when they want to get their heart beating again. I was completely my mother. I had it all-the gasping, the heaving chest, the OH MYs in a way too loud voice. I either need to get out more, or I need to limit my time in public. I am not sure yet. Lucky for us there were only 6 people in the theatre.


  1. yes...lots of jumpies in that flick. You make me laugh.

  2. oh... and don't forget to check my blog....the old one from retreat.

  3. It is nice to know that there is still sanity in the world!!! :)

  4. Dude, while it leans toward the macabre, I totally SNORT laugh over the housekeeper situation, too! Is it wrong to also laugh when your kid is running so fast they don't see the end of the counter and totally bonk their head and start screaming? 'Cause that's what I do!

    You're my BFF!

  5. lol. I AM your BFF. Today, I was working in the nursery at church when this little boy completely cleared the safety gate while attempting to catch his father before he left him. He screamed DADDY and jumped head-first, forgot to support his fall with his arms, and instead caught his body with the top of his skull. Of course, there was a HUGE bump on his head. Why does this stuff happen on my shift. I couldn't stop laughing at his cat like jumping skills though.

  6. is that housekeeper story true? that is awesome if it is.
