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Monday, October 29, 2007

I still Got it!!

You know what is great? That I can decide to totally skip turning in a paper and still get a B. Sociology is over. It was fun while it lasted, but even better now that it is over.
You know what else is great? Football is almost over. Now I can cancel all of my hate mail to Pop Warner. To all of you who made it to the playoffs, congratulations. I am so glad it was you. :D


  1. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear dear friend
    Happy Birthday to you

  2. LOL how long did it take you to type that. You clown. Are you stalking me? You seem to be every where. You are a little bit like that berries and cream guy. Only, without the lace.

  3. Hey, when was your birthday? Happy birthday girl. Also, You are woman. Hear you roar.

  4. :D thanks for the bday wishes friends. My birthday was the 30th. I am 31...officially no where near my twenties. I don't know if that is good or bad...just true. I am glad to be starting my mid-life stage: crisis, gray hair, wrinkles, no longer tolerant of teen agers. I am looking forward to it.
