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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Funny Questions I Heard This Week

Eli while I bathed the babies- Mom, why can't I hold water?

Addison- WHAT IS THAT IN MY BATH!?? (Sam's poop. ew)

Eli- Why isn't Daddy washing my window? (My response) Because he doesn't like you as much. (His response to my response) You are rude. (My final response) fits of giggles.

Addison- Mommy, remember when Santa pushed you?

Eli after I drew cool "tattoos" on me and Layla Grace- OOH Can you draw me a tattoo?
(My response once I drew on the top side of each wrist) Go ask Daddy what it says. (Mike) Poop Nugget? (Eli's response) little boy anger (My response) extended fits of giggles.

My 9 yo nephew No-No Noah to his mother- Mom, if you and Dad BOTH have heart attacks, who will take me to school?


  1. why is it, do you think, that the child is so concerned with his education???

  2. With his track record, I don't think it is his education he is looking out for lol. Lucky for him he is smart already.

  3. You crack me up! That was utterly ridiculous. Particularly the "Poop Nugget" incident. :)
