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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Welcome to our new maxi pad...

" know with the new dry weave, I hear it actually pulls moisture away from the skin." (Steve Zahn, Reality Bites)

This is a picture of the model of our house. Everything is the same except they agreed to paint my door red and our paint color is a little tanner. So pretty! We are having a housewarming sometime in February. As long as we really get the house! There is a little threat with verifying funds. God is bigger than that little boogie man. But feel free to continue praying for us.


  1. Nice! I'm glad that you are staying in the our 'hood. Can I come spy on your backyard when you move in?

  2. OH MY GOODNESS I LOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. YAY! It is great! God is bigger, fear not friend. Always praying for you...

  4. Erin, you don't have to spy. I have been looking for a stalker. I feel left out, you know?

  5. When a stalker, you have to include your middle name or you aren't legit. Like Mark David Chapman.

  6. I love it!!!! Man...look at that 3 car garage...FANCY SCHMANCY!!! lol You guys soooo deserve this!!

  7. WOW!!! B E A U T I F U L !!! Me loves it ... almost as much as me finding your blog!!! I have but a split second, so I'm just going to comment now, but I'll be back later!!! Thanks for adding my oh-so-cool button to your sidebar!! You're so fab!!!

    Amazing photos, too! Do you know a photographer or something??? hehehe

