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Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Man

Today is The Man's 32nd birthday. He has to work, and he never reads my blog, but I thought I should "ode" to him anyway. As much as it hurts to be attached with someone when they go through growing times, I am grateful to have been part of the process of who my husband has become since we met in high school. Cause, remember when we used to sneak into the dark room together during photography class? Those were some good times. We have made some funny memories:
*Cahooting and actually making our photography teacher retire (she put our names on her resignation paper!)
*dating behind my best friend/your girlfriend's back (not our proudest moment)
*sneaking into the Jimmy Buffet after party
*being the only people under 40 at the Bad Company concert in Hollywood
*Me cracking up at you for not understanding Free Tattoos was the name of the band, not a free perk of the concert (sorry for mocking you so,but seriously YOU WERE WIDE OPEN FOR THAT ONE!)
*going on so many movie dates we actually had to wait for Hollywood to produce more before there was something new to watch
*New Year's kisses under the fire works and Disneyland
*Eating a silly amount of funnel cakes
*the time you told your grandmother I was suffering from nipple soreness (special)
*your willingness to pick up and move to Reno
*when you proposed and I nearly did cartwheels down my dorm hallway

These are a few of my favorite things. Happy Birthday, Babe.


  1. awwwwwww.
    you love him.
    that is sooo great! :)

  2. I think it's great that in the b/w pic over there ----> you're grabbing his boob. And in this one, he's grabbing yours. That, my friend, is the sign of TWUE WUV. ;)

  3. brown paper bags, tied up with string... congrats Queenie... I love that you love the Man. I'm glad to have the Brew Crew in my life...

  4. Happy Birthday, Mike, even though you never read the blog!

    Laura, that was a great observation. It's a good think I wasn't drinking at the moment because I would have had soda up my nose.

  5. Happy Birthday Mr. Mike!

  6. I didn't realize Mike is actually younger then me. That's weird to me for some reason.

    Happy birthday!
