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Monday, March 03, 2008

Feeling Great in 2008

Next installment:
exercise- 20 minutes on treadmill-4/wk.
10 pushups/ 25 sit ups 3 days, drink two cups H2O/day
Seems easy enough, but I have been a rebel-dotty-a-loner when it comes to exercise. I can DO IT!!


  1. whoa!! your picture just jumped right out at me and scared me. love it though, especially the glasses. okay back to the blog at hand- YOU CAN DO IT!!
    i just bought myself a new pair of walking shoes that sometimes helps.

  2. OOH. I really want to go get professionally for walking/slow run shoes. I am considering dragging my friend Stephanie along for a half marathon in November. I also have a friend in Vegas who is interested. I may just buy myself that little present as a reward for my long years of homeschooling.

  3. The same thing happened to me . . . very creative . . . but now I've got to go change my pants . . .

  4. Laughing! HELLO SHONTELL! WOW!

    I told you...I will exercise with you! We can meet at the park.
    lemme know

    20 down....40 to go...YAY ME!

  5. You CAN do it girl. Proud of you!! Woo hoo!! 1/2 marathon in November. Go girl. You and me baby in 2008!!
