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Friday, May 09, 2008

Answers from the Poll

Again, I thought it was important to give you closure by telling you how much I love basketball. AND by doing that, will mention how much I absolutely hate wrestling, boxing, and homos in shorts. Once while trying to do something useful, I over saw my husband's show of wrestling/boxing/whatever. The ref made the men get up, move to the center of the ring, and made one mount the other. wow. What little respect I had left. I am pretty sure everyone who sports a Tapout logo is a closet case faggot.
Basketball, on the other hand, is dreamy. I love watching it, and if I had any sort of stamina, I would play games other than horse and 2 on 2. When I was a kid, my dad had a court poured in our backyard. This was great for all of the obvious reasons, but also because we were crazy poor. It was the greatest investment in our eyes. And because God blessed us with the hugest yard in our development, we will be pouring our own basketball court in the next couple of months. When I was little, I was the hugest Chicago Bulls fan. Well, I was a Jordan fan, but couldn't help love the others. Cause remember when Jordan and Pippen were the greatest dynamic duo ever placed in God's sport? Horace Grant, Shawn Kemp, Cartwright, Dennis Rodman in all his faggoty flair. These are a few of my favorite names.
I tried to find a picture of my Rodman kicks from high school, but I was unable.
This is a close picture, but obviously I wouldn't have worn these back then as I thought Oakley was a prick.


  1. Why do we not watch basketball together??? Sigh.

  2. Cause you are a college basketball fan. I never got into college teams except George Dare's Runnin Rebels. Cus I got runnin' rebel fever burnin up my mind.

  3. Ugh! When I used to actually like pro sports, before the athletes turned into the biggest jerks on the planet, I did like Michael Jordan, but I thought that Scotty Pippen was trying WAY too hard to "be like Mike" as the saying went... :)

  4. I used to love the Knicks (especially Oakley), but the level to which they've sunk has made it tough for me to watch basketball anymore; that and I can't find even one likable player in the whole NBA.

    I talked my way into a 1996 Finals game in Seattle (the last 5 minutes of one, anyway) and then went back to the Bulls' hotel to watch them walk through the lobby. The only guy that looked really big was Rodman.

    Also, if I don't say this, Brent will: Shawn Kemp wasn't on the Bulls, he was on the Seattle Supersonics. If you were just saying he's a player you liked, my bad.

  5. No, you are right. I must have been thinking championships. They had a big face off right? all seven games or something?

  6. shawn kemp wasn't on the bulls, but i didn't even care after looking at that glorious picture of my favorite basketball player of all time.

    i hope to someday become famous enough to marry myself and for people to care that i did.

    and oakley was a prick. i'd be willing to bet he still is. i prefer that nba players have actual talent. perhaps that why i still root against shaq.

    my love of basketball is only rivaled by my hatred of the 1990's incarnation of the new york knicks. yet another thing i will have to respectfully disagree with opie on. well that and the fact that basketball is better now than it ever was in the 90's.

  7. I remember when Mel and I met Dennis Rodman. He was terrifying. I had nightmares for weeks.

  8. i remember when this entire conversation was in greek and i couldn't participate at all...

  9. i do appreciate the fact that you used "faggoty" as an adjective
