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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Such Little Faith

So, my oldest child has finally admitted she doesn't believe in our favorite, fictional, childhood characters. (Sad Sigh)No more Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa, none of it. And because Elijah has been ridiculously logical his entire life, I stopped beating around the bush when he asked again.

E- Mommy, tell me the truth this time. Is the Easter Bunny real?
M- What do you think?
E- That it seems not very possible that a bunny the size of a man would sneak in just to bring us candy.
M- ahahahahaa. Okay, don't hate me. The Easter Bunny is Daddy. He dresses up in a bunny costume every year and brings us candy and toys. He also sometimes works at the mall.
E- :/ What?
M- haha never mind. Are you mad that we told you he was real?
E- I haven't believed for years. I bet the tooth fairy and Santa aren't real either. You even told me magic isn't real, and if magic isn't real then Santa's sleigh can't fly and the reindeer aren't real. I believe you and you never lie to me. (death stare)
M- (mumble mumble) Daaaaadddyyyy, Eli is pressuring me!

In the end, I confessed to that tiny interrogator. We confessed everything but left Santa up to them. Layla is the only one who really believes in Santa. Eli said he will still say he believes in case Santa decides not to bring him presents lol.


  1. Nice job with the explanation. Parenting is tough some times. :)

  2. you know, i have found that the whole lying to your kids for sport on holidays is quite the hot button topic for some Christians. i didn't realize there was any question . . . i'll pray for you.

  3. say it isn't so, shontell skellington! does that mean, too, that the pumpkin king doesn't exist, either?

  4. yes, i never really got that option, whether to have make believe i like to call it , some would say it's lying(moses) because the moses told our kiddos right away. that went over really well with the parents who were trying to have some fun with the holidays. i was apologizing alot in em and lo's first years of school.

  5. oh, the joy of parenting....but I guess that's where we just realize they are traditions and that they change from country to country too. Like here you put out an old shoe...and Santa fills it but this is the beginning of December and so really...It's Jesus who brings the gifts. Funny huh? But true here in Hungary.

    Thanks for the encouragement> :D
