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Tuesday, October 28, 2008


1 Thessalonians 5:16
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

In 2 Samuel, we hear about David bringng the ark of the covanent to Jerusalem. He brought it there so he could know God was near. David focused his prayers and praises on celebrating God's nearness. It was just enough that God was near. They risked SO much just to be near God.

Those men could have been, and some were, easily killed just by moving the ark. One touch, and they were toast. They were willing to risk their lives. What do we risk? Sleep?- no. Food?- ocassionally. Our agenda?-hmmm. Thursday night tv?-not usually.

And, when they were near the ark, 2 Samuel doesn't say God revealed himself to the thousands of people in the processional. They weren't healed or blessed or given great power. And still, because they knew God was near, they gave a HUGE paradee, played music in worship, and danced so much that later in the day David was called out because of it by Michal.

I suppose we dance and worship. I mean, if we aren't up too late on a Saturday night, we might move a little, stand for a bit when Pastor tells us to, and maybe we raise our hands if the words of the song are "I lift my hands." Oh, well, I almost forgot; we give God a BIG G! That IS something.
Sometimes I wonder if God really misses the good ole days.


  1. I just read that the other day...the whole bring the ark back. Too bad for the guy who tried to catch it when it was falling. That will teach you to try & help. I'm pretty sure God misses the whole slaughtering of animals & the boiling of the innards. The only thing that could top that would be Twister after dessert.

    How about family sacrifice night at your house?

  2. lol. well, we do that all the time.

  3. Hey Shontell!

    Hm, are you doing the same Bible Study right now that I am - about David? Seems like ya are!

    Laura Richards
    Las Vegas

  4. Hey Laura. You don't have to pretend you read the bible ahaha. Just joking. I am teaching a bible study written by Calvin Miller called Joy. Ask Jenene about it. She is supposed to be doing it along with us. We don't meet in person; the whole study is done through a private blog. Each study is six weeks long. We are halfway through Joy, but will starting Peace in a few weeks if you want to join us.
