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Thursday, December 04, 2008

All I Want For Christmas

Here is my Christmas list. Feel free to pass it on although it is mostly for my husband:

A major award like a leg lamp
That my husband would finish painting my house (inside)
A new to-go coffee mug
New at home coffee mugs
cream colored scarf
wireless flash drive for my camera (automatically uploads pictures to my computer when I bring my camera home)
iPod plugger inner for my car
new tattoo (although I already have this coming from my friends the tattooers)
my husband to get textability as I have decided I like that form of flirting :)
gift cards for any of the following: Barnes and Noble, Old Navy, Express, Target.
A new wedding ring, or at least mine fixed as it has been broken for years.
And, 12 dates with my husband; one for every month of the coming year


  1. i SOOOO want a leg lamp!

    my word verification is micala.

  2. gliturac

    i also am asking for 12 dates with your husband. i'm not sure he's going to have enough time now. what else should i ask for?

  3. love the page and the list. 12 dates i could help with babysitting of those if you swap 12 with me.
