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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dinner, Friends, Family, and Music

Aren't these all of the things Paul from the Bible says we are supposed to be a part of in our daily lives? Yah, well, I don't think he said RockBand in the scriptures, but he would have if he had the option.

My New Friend Natalie rocking out to Beastie Boys' Sabatoge. No, I am not kidding. She seriously rocked, and a little bit became a hero.

And this is her incredibly cute little bean. Couldn't you just crack open that baby's little peanut head and eat her? No? oh, well, I just mean she is cute.

Tristan, my song singing nephew!

Layla Grace on drums. WOOOOHOOOO!


Who wants to come to dinner?


  1. oh my god, it's a mirage.

    when can we come over?

  2. lol!! Don't you love it!? I love how many scary garage bands are going to come out of this generation. I will email your wife and set up a date.

  3. Hey Friend,

    I have about 7 hrs left of my observation...I am free next week to watch Sam I am and Squirrel. Call or email me.
    Love substituting!

  4. haha! i love it! i am glad i am a hero in your eyes. :) as you are in mine. <3. let's hang out!
