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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Road Trip

Las Vegas
Mon 20 Jun - Sat 25 Jun
Today was full of swimming and laughter and children. I feel a little like miss hanigan. Speaking of, remember when my only request on this trip was to go to spring mt. Ranch and the show is sold out for all of June? My heart is sad.

Day 3 - Starting Off Shaky, But I Think God Is Up To Something

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Layla grace awoke with a small fever. That poor baby is so sensitive to trips. He gets dehydrated an has headaches an nosebleeds. We kept her home from VBS and stuffed her full of zicam and water. She us way better and we are now getting dressed to go.... Can you guess? Swimming.
Swimming was good times, especially after Jessica showed up at the right pool. Way to be on ball there Jess. Haha just kidding friend.
Also, I found a house to rent with a laundry shoot. Who could ask for anything more?
Feeling better
Photo 1
Photo 2

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