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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So Long NV

Crazy as it seems the big day is here. We leave this morning. It seems strange and a little unreal, but I am sure it will hit me as soon as the nostalgia wears off and I realize I don't live here anymore. It will REALLY sink in when I realize I can't secretly stop by the rib cook off several times over the weekend. Truth be told we don't think we have it in us to miss it, I mean we like all of you so much we may come back to visit. 

Pray for peace and a good church. Pray for good hair while you're at it. The Man's has been a bit unruly. If you are ever in the area stop by for coffee and vittles and a big squeeze (I don't mean an interogation). See you soon. Miss you already.


  1. hey...after running into you at Ikea randomly (yay right!). I believe that we will see each other randomly to ;)

  2. Happy Moving Day Friend <3 On the Brew Crew Prayer Team FOR SURE!!

  3. $59 bucks Boise to Seattle :) Maybe I will just have to come see where you live!!

  4. Shontell,
    I can't believe you are in Nampa! Did you know I interviewed for a teaching job for Early Childhood/Early Childhood Sped Blended in Boise. Yep..I sure did! Things are so sketchy in Reno. I am so happy for you. I'm glad I tried to look you up on facebook and found this blog instead! Nampa is lucky to have you!
    Love, Charlotte G.
