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Friday, November 04, 2011

Autumn Passing Into Peace

Sometimes God will give us a word before we realize we need it. It's just another way he loves us. He prepares us without us knowing we need to be prepared. Sometimes we hear a teaching or have a conversation or receive news, and our brains will send  little spark of recollection that God has already equipped us for this. This is that time for me.
Autumn Passing Into Peace

The year's slipping away,
but my coffee is warm.
There is so much to say,
but the words will not form.

Your blessings are vast;
it's the peace I crave most
as the sins of my past
my heart no longer hosts.

Winds of change; leaves of red,
I commit to seeking
as I stumble from bed-
your peace, your will, my King.

From the tip of my head
to the toes of my child,
let LOVE replace the dread
and beauty, what was defiled.

As fall settles the Earth,
proof of change I behold.
Let me be as from birth
far from the enemy's hold.

For I know who I am
and to whom I belong.
I choose now to stand,
resolute, steadfast, and strong.

I thought I wrote this in response to things God was sharing with me. Instead, I see now that he was preparing my heart to be reminded of his promises. It is written, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8. I believed this yesterday. I believe it today. I will believe it tomorrow. God is good. God is capable. He is the lion- able to conquer, full of power. He is the lamb- full of gentleness, able to comfort me.

For I know who I am
and to whom I belong.
I choose now to stand,
resolute, steadfast, and strong.

PS. suck it satan

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