This morning I slept in, was served some amazing coffee and breakfast in bed, and listened to Jamie Ivey interview my favorite blog mamma and writer,
Shannan Martin. Shannan is a woman who gets me. She's gotten me for the better part of five years. We've never met in person.
In the early part of writing my first book, I shot her an email on a whim and begged her to read a couple chapters and give me feedback. She did. It was spot on and so encouraging.
Now, years later, SHES being published and I couldn't be more thrilled. We've only met online via her blog and Instagram, but there are some people you never have to meet face to face to know God had a hand in it (ahem Rachel Cortez). This morning I heard her voice for the first time and it had lots to say to me.
She said she is in a low state of dysfunction because she has so much going through her brain with her book launch. She's been emotionally hijacked.
Currently my book sits on a publisher's desk, and I'm just waiting on those magic words. I'm struggling to think of anything else.
I realized I've been emotionally hijacked.
Know what that means? It means something amazing or horrible has happened (any extreme emotion) and now I can't focus on what matters. And suddenly I'm a mouse with a cookie and I can't focus on anything. Im flitting from one thing to the next not doing anything well.
Except eating dessert. I'm doing that like a boss. But this is neither my anointing or my spiritual gift. Nor is it cooperative with my jeans.
I'm allowing myself to let the overwhelm roll over into everything else. And I do mean everything. Have you ever felt like this? Is it just me?
I don't think so because I watch my students. One little boy, who is quickly becoming stuck deep in my heart, is being tossed between homes. People who want to love him but arent sure how.
They know how they love isn't right. They vow to do it differently. But some other part, some other section of their lives has them emotionally hijacked. It's keeping them from loving him well. So he's moved to a new home. And now he is emotionally hijacked when he comes to class.
I want to teach him math, but he's fallen asleep. He isn't sleeping well at his new house.
I want to teach him writing, but he's agitated.
I ask him to come up to my table to play a math game with me. He thinks it's a trick. He knows I'm not in it for the math game, and he's correct.
My job is to give him a haven from all of that other stuff. To give him a place to dump all of that emotionally bagging for about 6 hours so he can learn and be successful. I need to help him refocus his brain after it's been hijacked.
I've done this countless times with students. It's my specialty really. I can't seem to apply the same success to myself!
Will one of you come and unhijack me? That would be great.
I know you can't. And I'm grateful. I know where to go. I know who holds this cure.
"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt 11