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Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Yesterday was a hit. I was a little anxious about living life's new schedule with so many new factors. I enjoy change, but mostly when it is my idea and because I say so. This past year was one of those "totally out of my hands" years. I am happy to report that having babies wasn't one of the big events for last year, but we now have a preschool aged squirrel and a fish-faced toddler running rampant while we attempt to homeschool (with Isabelle in public school) and The Man finding his place amid the chaos of our daytime home. He really hasn't ever had a good glimpse of what we do here. He peeked in periodically yesterday but mostly kept his distance. He has to feel a little on the outside. We have had this giant rolling ball of homeschooling in progress for four years without his involvement. Any time he was off work, there was a holiday to celebrate, a weekend to enjoy, or a baby being born so we had a school break.
So, now we are on day two and The Man has left early to drop Isabelle off at school. If this is the only good change that comes from it all, I will be satisfied. Off to school..


  1. I'm going to miss getting caught spying through fences on my morning walk by you. But I'm glad that all this is happening for y'all!

  2. miss you friend. we need to visit soon, come see the new pad??
