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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Pennies in my Pocket

This is more for the ladies than the mens, but I just love this website. Okay, she is my friend, but she just seems to have a nose for great deals. She is running a blog series of "Redecorate in 2008" that showcases super great decorating deals and ideas. Plus, she does weekly giveaways. These freebies are nothing to snerk at. My favorite was the free National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on dvd. I have completely worn out my copy on VHS (VHS what the heck is that?) No fear; my new BFF sent it to me just before Christmas. I love her.
Anyway, today's giveaway is a set of ten really great gift bags from PennyLane Papers. Don't worry if you don't win the giveaway though! They are normally priced at only a buck a piece! WHAT!?? That is unheard of. Seriously they are great. Check out the Pennies in my Pocket website by clicking on the link over there>. Look for the pennies.


  1. So, I was coming over here because I've been slacking on blog browsing lately and what do I find???? An entire post just about little ole me? Wow, I'm blushing...I feel so blogariffffic right now! :) Thanks for spreadin' the word!


  2. i want christmas vacation on dvd. for some reason i can't get sound to come from my vcr. and for some other reason, i haven't cared enough to try to figure out why very hard.

  3. Cause VHS is so early 90s. If I had an extra copy, I would invite you over, make you watch it with me, then send you home with it. I would do it this way because I would tell The Man you made it work that way so I had an excuse of why I HAD to watch it even though it isn't the Christmas season.

  4. my wife doesn't even like to watch it during Christmas. maybe she and the man can go do scrooge-y things next year while we watch christmas vacation with all the kids who are old enough to laugh about how "nipply" it is outside.

  5. Tis the season to be merry
    -well that's my name
    No sh&#?.

  6. Maybe I should give another one away on my site??? lol


  7. In response to your recent comment on my blog ... there is a Giveaways link at the top toolbar and on the right hand side (at the top) I highlight my current giveaways. :) Just so you know for future. I have 2 more contests in que so be looking for them....let anyone you know who own an online business that I'm still accepting giveaways for February. :)


  8. Okay, I think I am addicted to that website. Just what I need... another reason to be online! BTW, love your blog, just haven't gotten around to commenting until now :)

  9. :D ::BEAM:: aw..shucks. Thanks guys.
