This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Major Sigh

At first glance, this boy seems sweet as candy. I have Photo Shopped out his budding horns. Last night, upon hearing our session of Wii Sports was coming to an end, this little rotten egg proceeded to firmly grasp the remote control and hurl it, Olympic javelin style, just right of center into my 42" Vizio LCD television screen.

In case you are wondering, yes, he does have quite an arm, yes, I did spank him, yes, my husband was extensively angry, yes, everyone in the house froze for at least a minute, and no, I cannot afford to replace it. The only reason I could afford a TV like that in the first place was because of my stellar puzzle solving skills on The Wheel. Annoying.


Anonymous said...

OOOOh SoOoooOoo sorry that sucks big time. I am proud of you guys for not putting him in a jail for cell that has no windows for days.

Jenene said...


miss jessica said...

Big bummer...on a more positive note, my daughter started head banging when I turned to your blog and Dave Matthews Band came on... very cute!

Erica said...

oh my goodness! So I guess he won't be getting an allowance for probably the rest of his life?

A Bit Of Everything said...

OH MY GOSH! I'm sorry that Mr. Sam did that. Yes, I agree about the jail cell reply...He will learn, eventually - hopefully sooner than later friend. I'm praying for you and him.

The Author said...


Jenene said...

you should check to see if your homeowner's policy will cover it under the comprehensive coverage since it was damaged by something being thrown at it.