This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Friday, January 13, 2006

dont you love it?

i love when i aske my kids (layla usually) how something happened and they reply with the "it was on accident" line. today i wasnt falling for it because no matter how you slice it, there is NO way you can "accidentally" put a popcorn seed in the electric pencil sharpener. that is right up there with accidentally getting pregnant. yah...okay!
at least she isnt choving the popcorn seed in places it will eventually begin to smell :/ ew.


sabu said...

my favorite is "i don't know". the only one around, the only one who could have done it, still "i don't know". we used to have gremlins, i'm not sure what we have now.

Double D said...

did you hear the one about me, a string, and my nose? Its a good one, ask my mom

frad-ster said...

my favorite is fingure pointing..."who did it?" (points fingure) "it was ______'s idea!"

No(dot dot)el said...

my kids are way too good at finger pointing. who teaches this stuff to kids anyway?? do they go to sneaky, pointing finger, accidental school or something??

JayBird said...

my girls do the confused look & say, "huh"?

Double D said...

Noel, I taught your kids to point fingers...