This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Feeling Great in 2008

Week 5- in bed by ten; read book or magazine NOT school related, up by 6:30. I would love to see you how you are keeping up if you are joining me.


No(dot dot)el said...

i have been doing great. i am really starting to feel better. not so flu like after pilates and i have been staying strong with the breakfast, and water thing. did you sign up for the walking group?
you go with that early bedtime, i was up at 6:30 this morning as well and even without the clocks help that turned off anyways in the middle of the night due to high winds- my body is making some changes.
okay now i am just writing more so that i can keep listening to janis even though i have the same song on my ipod :)

shontell said...

aha cute, friend lol. I am glad you are doing so well with your goals. I am thinking about joining the group, but my kids have three more weeks of ice skating. Isabelle wants to join. I told her we could pray about it and see if we can add it to our schedule. I am mostly worried about what I will do with the babies when The Man has to work. A little chilly out there, ya know.

Joelle said...

AHHH I just lost my whole paragraph cuz I couldn't handle that shooting star song anymore! Anyway. Starting the floss thing and was doing the bed by 10:00 already. I am also trying to do at least one crafty thing a week. I made a card for a friend last week and already scrapped a page for this week! I am also trying to cook a new recipe each week. I have collect quite a few I want to try. Simple ones too. Keep the good habitis coming! I love them! Wish I could do them closer to you! xoxo jo

shontell said...

Are you saying you don't LOVE Bad Company as much as I do? Maybe you shouldn't move up here. just joking I LOVE YOU!!

digapigmy said...

i don't make resolutions. i don't ever keep them, so i figure why bother.

speaking of janis, did she record anything worth listening to besides bobby mcgee and the song that melissa etheridge completely ruined for everyone who likes music?

shontell said...

Melissa Ethridge did a cover? I know Faith Hill did Every Little Piece of my Heart. And, no, I don't think Janis really made anything else worth mentioning. She was a bit of a drunken crack feind though. I can see how she wouldn't have the time.

JayBird said...

i'm becoming a gym hottie in '08 and lovin' it.

Jessie said...

I will have you know that the world is possibly coming to an end. Rick and I are doing a Bible study together every morning. And we have been doing it for about a week now. And it's been really good.

Jen in Budapest said...

nice job Shontell.

Jen in Budapest said...

I like your mom's motivation thing-e. I would add it to my blog, but you know....sort gotta have horse before carriage...'0)

digapigmy said...

horse before the carriage?

i scoff at the notion.

and yes, shontell, in the world outside of country music (seriously, who knows that faith hill covered anything) and into the world of rock n' roll lesbians, etheridge did a mind numbingly irrating cover of "take another piece of my heart". it was almost as bad as sheryl crow's "sweet child o' mine". i always thought the world would have been a better place had a bomb ever gone off at a lilith fair.

shontell said...

pffft. nice Brent. I love the compassionn our church generates.