But for today, I would like to thank the construction worker/electrician who was working on the house next door to my own. As I walked on my treadmill, I noticed him splicing wires and working hard at the edge of my driveway. Then, once he looked around to be sure no one was looking, he threw the trash from his special experiment on the sidewalk. The thank yous come in for the lesson I was able to show my son.
"See that man, Son? Do you see how he is doing his job, then looking around to make sure no one is looking? Do you know why he is doing it? He is throwing his trash on the ground because he thinks no one is looking." Then my husband went outside because I pointed this man out. My husband is good at this sly fox role so he mostly fiddled around but made himself seen by the worker. I made my son keep watching the man outside. And big surprise, the man put the rest of his trash back into his truck. Here is where I pointed out the man in the green Jeep Cherokee's integrity issues.
"See, Son, that man is only cleaning up his messes because he thinks Daddy is watching. THAT, Son, is low integrity. He isn't choosing not to litter because he thinks it is the right thing to do. He is doing it because he thinks he is going to get caught."
(My Son): Wow, Mommy. Is that why you punish me when I have bad integrity? So I will learn and not grow up to be that man?"
Me: Yes, Son.