My Isabelle is going to be ten this coming week. I am only sort of ready for this. A couple weeks ago I committed to scrapbook the memory and pictures of her as a three year old learning to write her name. She was playing in her room for about 15 minute before she came out with a paper in her hand of her attempts to learn to write her name. I wrote it correctly at the top of the page. She returned to her room, and twenty minutes later came out having written successfully her full name of ISABELLE BREWER. I was a proud mamma. Luckily I hung onto that paper and was able to include it on my page.
This week I noted funny life lessons she is picking up. One conversation began with her asking how many feet a person uses while driving- odd, but funny to me. Another that spanned across three or four days was about the workings and usefulness of hazard lights. "What is that red triangle button for? What does it do when you push it?" I tried my usual smart response along the lines of "it is in case you get too mouthy. One push from me and you go flying out of the car. Two pushes and you end up with the rest of the builders of the Tower of Babel- wandering in a foreign land with no hope of return." I was met with an oh-please-I-so-don't-believe-you look, so i told her the truth. Sigh, my baby is getting so big. She was very excited a couple days later to witness hazard lights in action. I told her she was cruel to be excited over someones car troubles. Again, the look.
I like moments like these because I can take notice of the impact I have on my kids. I am the one teaching them. I am the biggest influence. I am responsible. I am the first. I am the one. I am Mommy. I am under qualified. :/
We all have to answer for our parenting skills when God replays the "video" of our lives. Are you ready for that? It isn't too late to be the one.
Wow . . . Double digits . . . Unbelievable . . .
No way I'm ready...oh well
I will never be ready to view my video. Thank goodness God forgives.
scary, i don't want a video. just a split second- i know you know kinda thing-
being mom is a powerful role to walk out on a day to day basis. sometimes moment to moment.
thankful for strength from on high and my hubby :)
I am with you....
Totally underqualified! Yikes! :0
not ready.
not that God will be judging me on how good of a mom i was, but you know what i mean.
I don't know Dig-you WERE the one who sent out the Christmas cards one year. Hopefully he will just focus on being a mom rather than momish responibilities. No pressure, but I really think God's special moment with the dads is harsher. Good luck with that.
wow...she is so beautiful. Jeffro will wait patiently for his love.
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