We think so. Many of you read about our scare with Eli. We thought he was going to have to have his appendix removed. He had all the classic signs, and a few that I never would have thought of. In fact, did you know that appendicitis pain begins
right behind the belly button? Yah, well, it does. So when Eli kept telling me his tummy hurt so badly right behind his belly button, I said what all moms will say. "Do you have to poop?"
The more minutes that ticked by, the more worried I became. He was shivering, teeth chattering, hunched over in a way I have never seen. Then, he would sit up and be better for a few minutes. I hate when I am home alone -minus The Man- when stuff like this happens. I doubt myself, my thoughts, my medical findings.
I watched him a little while, then thought I should look up some appendicitis info on the Internet. I could squeeze in a little research while getting 5 kids ready for church and putting a few finishing touches on preschool lessons for the morning service, right?
I am always leery about looking up medical conditions; I feel like you automatically find whichever symptoms you are looking up. I googled cautiously. But when I realized the only symptom he didn't have was throwing up, I thought I should call Mike. Then Eli threw up. Awesome. We left nearly instantly. The neighbor took the rest of those kids, and he and I took off to the ER.
I don't know why this happens, but for moms, we get somewhat disappointed when we arrive at the doctors and the symptoms go away. We are looking for some sort of justification for bringing the kid in in the first place.
But, when I received the texts from Reno and Vegas saying many had stopped to pray, and Eli's symptoms suddenly went away, the phrase 'miracles still happen' flashed in my brain. We waited. For two days they tested that kid.
When they finally wheeled him in to do the ultrasound, they checked everything that could possibly cause him pain. The last thing they checked was his appendix. When the doctor told us they couldn't EVEN FIND it, I smirked a little. Maybe that is normal, I don't know, but I do know that God has healed that boy more times than I can count. Elijah Daniel. He has been named well. He is heavily under God's protection and has been since conception. And, he is going to touch lives. I am excited to watch God make it happen.
That kid! Sucking down something in the garage a few years ago, and now this? Yes, God has greatness for Eli to do! I just know it! I am praying sista'
That is so awesome! I am glad that Eli is okay. I had something similar happen to me when I was 5. I had all of the classic symptoms/signs of hogkins disease (cancer of the lymph nodes) and the doctors even operated on me to remove a lymph node in my neck. Low and behold, there was no cancer!! Prayer is a very powerful weapon. We should live our lives expecting the miraculous.
My goodness, what a whirlwind life he lives. He will constantly amaze you!
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