This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, May 15, 2006

taking votes

so noel votes for the 27th for baby day. i say the 28th. but it makes me a little nervous to be right cause it is a church day. and frankly my dreams of going in to labor at church have been waaay too many and none of them were good. i am always seeming to leave a puddle behind me. and pastor never breaks into "let the river flow" like i want him to. lol.
if you are going to choose a departure song, that seems as good as any. although... i suppose for some people "deep and wide" may be appropriate. but not for me.


Jessie said...

i say the 23rd. get that baby OUT!

Jeni said...

I have no idea for the date, but I think that you should use your connections. Send some e-mails requesting that "Let the River Flow" be played on the 28th regardless. If you're there, you'll think it's funny. If you're not, and the baby has already arrived, the rest of us who read this post will still think it's funny! :)

shontell said...

LOL. i wonder if they take requests. that would be classic. people tend to get flustered when the sitters talk to them when they arent expecting it. like when my brother was teaching and i kept trying to give him the squinty eye to let him know his belly was hanging out of the unbuttoned section of his shirt. he kept going behind the pulpit and checking his zipper. lol bummer