This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

This is Living

This is another picture from camping. It doesn't have a lot to do with my post other than to put a visual to the rest I feel I need already. (note the beer that is not really a beer in my son's hand.) Mike started his academy last week, and already we are overwhelmed with stuff. We have been so anti-hectic for the past three years that this schedule may just end me. Between piano lessons, football, cheerleading, Isabelle's new schedule with school, homeschooling, keeping up with Hot Lips, and The Man's new work responsibilities, I felt it was necessary to take a small break from school. I was having a hard time comprehending anything I was learning, so I dropped my history class. (Louie not Louise should not feel disappointed as I fully intend to take this class at another time..just not right now.) I get a two week break, one of which is in Vegas visiting friends and family, before I dive back into Sociology (ack) and Poli Sci (ack ack!!). Plus, I am switching my school nights to Thursdays, at least until football and cheer are over. Sanity prayers welcomed. Volunteers to care for babies during football games seriously needed. Please be in touch through our local contacts should you be able to offer your services.


Jessie said...


shontell said...

:D I will be more excited when a-my baby feels better and 2)someone suprises me with paid for airline tickets. I would take an hour long plane ride with 5 kids over driving 8 hours with them ANYday!

Joelle said...

I will watch your babies during football games! OHHHH you live in stinkin RENO!!! I miss you and can't wait to see you!

JayBird said...

More camping, ack!

No(dot dot)el said...

what nights are games and where ? sorry to hear the chaos bug has hit over there too. this too shall pass. proud of you for droppin classes :) that is important to pay attention to what you really can do versus what you just really want to get done ;) screw the whole "get er done" mentality, it's for the birds!!

shontell said...

lol. games are mostly friday nights. One on a saturday morning.

Jen in Budapest said...

I think it's great that you're back in school....kudos to you! my inspiration.

I want to take a class or two online...and if I do I'll say you inspired me.

Jeni said...

I may be able to help with the babies once in a while... Let me know...