This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


This weekend, my husband and I spent time together in healthy denial.
We shipped the kids off, pulled our mattress into our living room, and snuggled.
He is due to get his official lay off notice this week, but we have already seen the list, and he is on it. Instantly, I got a belly ache, and then I prayed.

I have felt a strong desire to snuggle lately. I have snuggled with my husband plenty, but my desire is to snuggle up with God so he can serve as a protective bubble. I cannot mentally take more right now. The devil thinks he has us licked (iykwim), but he doesn't. I am choosing to snuggle with God. Right there, in his hands.
Michael is an unbelievable husband, a hardworking firefighter,
and an even more amazing father. God doesn't forget people like that,
and we are choosing to believe God is going to work miracles through our situation.
God is bigger than the lay off lists...also, the boogey man. So, suck it satan.


No(dot dot)el said...

thinking about you all brew crew. prayers for you all, it's a pretty good place you have decided to take refuge in though. i pray all Gods comfort to you and your righteous fireman and your beautiful children. love you friend.

Unknown said...

You are right. God IS bigger. He sees you, He knows. I love you, friend.