This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

ten ways to get that baby out!

So the other night I was feeling overwhelmingly pregnant and frustrated that my little son has taken so long to get the heck out already and a friend came over to give me a massage and try to induce my labor. As we were heading into the room toward that fantastic table and loverly smelling oils my kids and nephews kept stopping me asking if she was going my water...or as Layla Grace put it "pop your tummy." i assured them no and i was just getting a massage. my nephew, Tristan, then said " it's okay if your water breaks. You can just put it in my fish tank." ew


Stephanie said...

omgosh! that is hillarious! out of the mouths of babes...and into the fish tank :)

Jessie said...


Joelle said...

I bet the fish would love it! I'm so glad baby Samuel finally arrived!

TimmyMac said...

He is a beautiful looking young man! I bet he'd look good in a florescent green shirt.

shontell said...

snicker.! lol