This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I hate it when I am lame

But i like it when God helps me to realize it oh so gently. I am in the beginnings of a Bible study called Becoming the Woman You Want to Be. Great stuff. it focuses on your body through healthy eating and exercise (which I am happily exempt from still he he), your spirit through Bible study and scripture memorization, and soul through daily actions to take toward becoming that person God has intended me to be. Today I read this-

"Discipline is the human effort to create the space in which God can be generous and give you what you need." Henri Nouwen

I love that quote.

Then I read-

"God will not love you any more if you assert your will, make the decisions, and put forth the effort to create a prayer oasis. God will not love you more if you wake up thirty minutes earlier each day to devote to prayer and reflection. These actions do not benefit God."

I know that I don't pray and live for God for his benefit. But, on too many days I have an attitude of "let me do you this favor and read my Bible this morning."

Lord, forgive me for being so full of myself. I haven't left you nearly enough room. I choose to remove me and fill up with you. Make me aware when I choose to do other things when I should be spending my mornings with you. You promise to lead me like your flock. Please help me to be a good follower, not just a dumb sheep. amen


Jeni said...

Wow... Um yeah. Thanks for that.

shontell said...

lol. uuhm you are welcome? did i say something wrong?

Jeni said...

No, no... Just right, actually! :)