So my brother..you know the one our Pastor spooned with ( great story, really, but for another time) gave a speech at his church in Vegas. I think of it regularly, mostly because I felt God calling me to share it with our congregation and I ignored him... :/ I know, I am a slacker. Whatever. I have asked for forgiveness for being a loser and God was willing to let it go because he is cool like that. ANYHOO. Here is what he said:
Predetors hunt their pray in the same way the devil tries to pick us off: he looks for the loners, the rebels, Dotty. (okay I added that last part in myself). As a congregation we are a herd, gaggle, murder- you choose the animal grouping of your liking. When we are scattered or operating on our own, (ie not attending church, not tithing, not praying for our church and leaders, etc.) we are living like those animals hanging out down at the watering hole on our own. After his short analogy he had everyone look around and notice the loners in the back of the church and the wanderers. He pointed out the seats left open between families (gaps in the herd). Then he made everyone get up out of their seats and everyone had to fill in the center seats in the sanctuary. He even had them face outwardly a bit. "Mess with that," he said, mostly to the devil. It is much more powerful to witness a church of 1000 or so on Sunday morning cramming into a defensive circle in the middle of the sanctuary, but you get the idea. This is definitely where God is calling our church. We may not be up to a 1000 members, but the Bible is clear that numbers aren't necesary. If one of us can put a 1000 to flight. Then two of us can send a legion fleeing. Pray, even if you can't make it on Sunday night. Pray with your family before you tuck them in. Then choose to be part of the pack and pray for God's intercession. PS this is not an invitation for ANY of our worship teams to begin singing this song. PLEASE!!