This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why I like Mike #17

He is taking me and the big kids to the rib cook-off tomorrow even though we are poor because tradition is important. Most of you know our story of moving to Reno after many years of prayer. Many of you have heard us say we moved here because of the Rib Cook-Off and the lemonade they have to offer. It really is all true. Well, I don't eat ribs of any sort, but I love going every year because it was part of what made us fall in love with this place. One weekend, about 7 years ago, our friend Joelle left her car in our care while she and her hubby went out of town. She said have fun, so we drove to Reno. (Please note, it was a lease she was soon to return and bitter about the number of miles she still had yet to burn. We would not normally steal your car and drive it to another city.) We knew the Cook-Off was happening, and because we had been the year before, we knew what we were missing. We went to the Cook-Off three times that weekend even though we were only here for two days. So, if you are needing to get ahold of The BrewCrew tomorrow, just head on down to Victorian Square. We will be the fools in bibs.


A Bit Of Everything said...

Have fun!

No(dot dot)el said...

we went yesterday. it was delicious. we can actually smell the booths from our house. hope the weather is as beautiful as it was yesterday for us. fall is in the air my friend. our season approaches.
btw i tell people all the time about my friends who actually moved here because of the rib cook off. they don't believe me.

Jeni said...

I think I saw ya'll there from afar! Mostly I saw a couple of puffs of curly blonde hair and a guy that vaguely resembled Mike...