This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Geographically Speaking

I am not totally sure what life is like where you live, but geographically speaking, this is what we do in Reno.

Thanks for another great photo shoot Jessie The Bird.


A Bit Of Everything said...

We NEED and HAVE to get together friend. Izzy and Iris are so tall! Miss you!
Good Guys Gals!

um....word verification is...

drepshfu (try saying it aloud)

Liz Dean said...

I love them!!!!! I want to see more! ;)


Erica said...

we all don't take pictures out in the weeds and tumble bushes, Shontell ;).....just saying

Joelle said...

So So great! I need the bird lady to take pics of our family.

shontell said...

Erica, you obviously aren't from around these parts.

kari said...

I love the pics your photographer takes of you guys :)I went on her website and checked out her portfolio and her prices. Oh my goodness! How do you afford her? I saw Melody Fritchley's pic on her website :)

shontell said...

She runs deals all the time! Mini sessions are good ones. Check them out.