This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Settling In

Who knew you generate so much trash when you move? Raise your hand. Not me. We are on huge box number two of trash bags. The first one was gone before we moved. That means 42 bags of garbage left my house. How is that possible? Then we have only a few bags left in our new house box. Yikes.
But, it's necessary. We have about 400sqf. less than our Reno house, but a lot more storage in closets and what not. You may not know how I feel about what not, but I love it. I try to fit what not in whenever possible. The possibilities are endless: my pocket, my purse, my hand, your hand. Endless.
  • Our house is beautiful. We are taking reservations.
  • My piano fits perfectly
  • There are several churches very near our house, so no more commuting
  • The grocery store is inches from our house (well, if I was a giant, but still, very close)
  • The movie theatre is less than inches from our house; we could walk if we were feeling fiesty. I feel a date night coming on VERY soon
  • We are on the outskirts of town still; this time it means we are 11 minutes from everything in our city instead of 6. There are four exits on the freeway that exit into our city. Weird but true. 
  • We live in the best neighborhood ever. Seriously. The kids are cool and polite, the families are large, no one so far is Mormon, and the womens are pretty great. My immediate neighbor speaks in Friends quotes. I shed a tear.
  • There is a 40% chance we are coming to Reno for the Rib Cook off. It has been a tradition for a decade. I am not sure my body will allow me to miss the lemonade. We will keep you updated.
  • The Man starts his new job on Monday. He is anxious, excited, freaked out, stressed, unnerved. Pray for peace. 
  • Jobs for me seem to be scarce. I am not complaining. I miss being home with no outside work responsibilities. I would love to find something that is bendy. Subbing at the around-the-corner-Christian-school is looking convenient. There are also several teachers on my street who said they will hook me up with sub jobs. Then I can work around Mike's schedule and be around for the kids. 
  • I am looking so forward to together time with Sam I Am. Singing JUST YOU AND IIII..HIIII!


Liz Dean said...

Woo Hoo!!!!! See...waiting for God to move works! I am so happy everything is turning out so well!! :)

mohap247 said...

This makes me very happy...Moving is not so happy, but *whistling* that there is a purdy lookin' house.