This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Why I like Mike #30

He wants to stay married to me after 16 years. There is a really good chance that when we were married 16 years ago yesterday, he thought our lives would be very different than they are now. There are probably even times when he looked at me with really big eyes behind my bag and pretended to strangle me while thinking, "WHAT did I get myself inTO?!!" But more often than all of those times, he has loved me. And he is very good at loving me. He handles my habits and my irritations and not so pleasant qualities. And at the end of the day, he hugs me. I like that about this guy. I like a lot about this guy. I am very excited for another 16 years and then some.
Here's lookin at you kid.
Here's mud in your eye.
Here's to us.
I love you.