We liked the idea, because. Come on. It's tacos. So we took over where they left off. We pack them in- kids, teens, hangry college students, single moms, and the occasional curious parent. We welcome the gamut.
It's become our ministry- the tacos. Well, it's much less about the tacos and a lot more about the kids. Our kids and their kids. The kids who seem to have no adults. Or the ones who need to see what life can be. Even the ones who need to see we are the same in some ways.
Don't get hung up on why this won't work. It's not complex. We clean up, but we don't kill ourselves over that. I'm a full-time teacher. I ain't got time for fretting.
We cook. We laugh. We eat. We clean. We get to know our teenagers' friends. We sit by a fire some nights. Others we play a game. Tonight was nacho Tuesday, so obviously we watched Nacho Libre and practiced our luchador skills. Obviously.
We get feedback. It's not always intentional and sometimes it's just overheard between kids, but it reminds us we are on the right track. Loving God and loving others. Tacos. Simple.
One kid said, "My favorite time of the month is taco Tuesday."
Another asked, "Why did your husband come in and kiss you when he got home?"
"Your family is so weird. You all just talk and hang out?"
"Dude. This chicken is legit!"
"I like this. I like being here."
I could dive deep into the stories behind these kids, but we remember what that time was like, right? Our own parents were insane and didn't understand us. It took someone else to knock some sense into us (even if it sounded remarkably similar to our parents' message).
Our kids need people. Some kids will spend a lifetime lost without some intentional people to set a crazy example of taking a minute to love their spouse through a hug and kiss when they arrive home.
Some kids need to see a dad discipline with love or interact with his daughter like it's easy.
This is what we have to offer: family dynamic and tacos.
You have something, too. Maybe it is tacos. Maybe it's art or sports or music. Maybe you have coffee and some young kid just popped in your mind and you just know she needs to talk. Whatever you have, share it. Make a difference with the simplest tools.
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