Caution: We have a winner in our midst. Melaroo has won her choice of coffee mug. Here is her story:
... My favorite snow day memory is from my first snow day ever. I grew up in warm climates--Louisiana, Southern California, Hawaii, Texas, Vegas --so this whole snow thing was so far from my radar, I didn't even really know that "snow days" were a thing.
So after going through some challenging times, we decided that our family needed to relocate, and, like the super intelligent people we are, we decided to move our family cross-country to the state of Virginia. In the middle of winter. ��
This was a difficult time for us, as we didn't know anyone, had no income, and were all struggling with loneliness and sadness because we missed our home and friends and family. I was so worried about the boys and scared that I had ruined everything for them.
We woke up one morning in our tiny apartment to see snow EVERYWHERE outside and somehow knew we had to stay in for the day. Neither of us really knew how to drive in it and geez Louise, it was cold.
So, we made food and snacks and hot chocolate, and snuggled on the couch with my boys, watching the Sound of Music on tv. Later on, the boys excitedly went outside to play and, as I watched them through the window, I saw how happy they were, and i remember thinking that God had given me this tiny gift, this little snow day of peace and happiness, in the midst of the thundering chaos of my life. He reminded me that He loves my boys more than I do. He reassured me that my kids were going to be happy again and that they were going to be okay.
So that's my story. But other than that, I hate the snow
Thank you to everyone who joined the competition. We have another giveaway coming soon.
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