This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Monday, January 16, 2006

a prophetic word

sooo. church on sunday was great. worship was what i heard of it after being 15 minutes late. but i have to be honest and say that, realizing this is never God's intention, i get nervous when someone stands to give a prophetic word. especially about specific individuals. somewhat cause people can be lunatics and just spout silliness not at all prophetic or from God. trusting our pastor's judgement it was easy to go along. but then the what if's creep in and suddenly by brain is flooded with the memories of all the rotten just plain awful things i have done or been a part of in my life. even the time when my parents were divorcing and i told my mom i wanted to live with my dad. i was rotten about it. just mean. she was trying to takie me out to dinner and i was just angry and, well, 14 and emotional so i refused to eat even though i was seriously starving. actually i could really go for that pizza NOW. ::snicker::
anyway. it is so bad in my mind that i was even waiting for a call from louie asking me to come back to church cause johanass (sp?) forgot someone. ack! i have issues. but really, was no one else a little nervous?
and on another note, isnt there supposed to be some verification when someone stands before a congregation and prophesies? just curious.


No(dot dot)el said...

my old youth pastor was a prophet,i have no issues!! i used to have issues BIG time but when you are a teen and your youth pastor is constantly "readin your mail" you kinda begin to trust that if it is God it will only be a word spoken in love and encouragement for your good and growth. that brings alot of peace.

Jeni said...

I'm with you, Shontell... I kept thinking, "where's mine?" "Hello, I'm over here..." Ah, well... Perhaps another time.

georgia said...

Were you fearful that God was going to rebuke you through Johannes?

frad-ster said...

Prophesy and tongues are talked about in 1 Cor 14 in pretty good detail. It does mention some rules about prophesy, but they pertain more towards orderly worship than towards conformations and that sort of thing.

Also, in Acts 27:10 Paul prophesied about the shipwreck on his journey to Rome. As far as we know, there was no second prophesy to agree with his as the crew set sail despite his advice. The prophecy was fullfilled in ver. 18-44 and they were shipwrecked on the island of Malta.

Well, I gave it a shot, but I would ask Louie for the more educated answer.

scoeyd said...

Just a heads up for you... each of the people/situations that Johannes mentioned on Sunday were confirmed after the service... more questions or wonderings, feel free to shoot me an email...

shontell said...

cool about the verifying..well sort of, cause remember when he said some badness was on its way for some people :/ i was talking to my sis in law and she asked if any of the prophesies were verified. i said i wasnt sure but there were a lot of people crying after church when they were talking to him so that is a good sign. lol
i have grown up in church and having a brother who spends most of his time in south america helping others (when he isnt snuggling with our pastor ::giggle::) i have really heard it all. but still, i thought for sure if i stood up for anything johannes would notice my belly and have a scary word for my kid. although it would have been really helpful if he would have helped us out with our name delimma lol. what?? it could happen. GOd cares about what we name our kids sometimes! lol

SherryP said...

I trust Louie, who trusts Johannes, therefore I wasn't the least bit nervous. (I'm not saying you don't trust Louie, just explaining why I was not concerned). I was excited and looking forward to hearing what God spoke through him.

scoeyd said...

Sunday we got to experience the "words of knowledge," gift, where God reveals something hidden in order to do something about it (heal, save, transform, restore, protect, etc.) is a bit different than prophecy, too, though it can be a part of prophecy. As mentioned, 1Corinthians 12,13,14 are good references: the Book O'Acts is good as well to see The Gifts in action (reference Agabus, among others...)

Jeni said...

Hey, I'll be praying for your audition/interview! (You're still going, right?)

digapigmy said...

i'm with you, shontell. don't feel like you're the only one. i remember when johannes first did his thing in germany i was seriously wondering if i could catch an earlier flight back. i didn't grow up charasmatic and can be a little apprehensive of the whole "gifts of the Spirit" thing.

i have to rely on the feeling God gives me about the situation (discernment) and the comfort levels of others (pastor, etc.) with what's going on.

georgia said...

I think judging the prophecy should connect to

knowing the prophet and his/her character/track record

knowing God's Word to make sure the prophecy doesn't violate it

knowing that he/she has approval to minister in this way in our church

seeing the evidence of God's speaking through him/her by the confirmation that what was said was accurate

Double D said...

I remember the monrning before Brent had his "turn" in Germany, and since we slept in the same bed for 2 weeks I heard all about it...good stuff...but during that trip/experience I learned that any words Johannes says is like gold...or something better then gold...I can't think of anything better then gold right now though