hey it's girl scout cookie time and my daughter happens to be a girl scout. anyone wanna support her to becoming a stronger, more in touch with nature, able to tie a knot when she is in a pickle future? puuhhhlease!!!! remember when we home school and dont have a car to be involved in ANY outside activities and! go to a smallish church. we have no friends. please help. we are already shipping most of our boxes out of state. how sad.
i'd like to throw a shout out to noel for buying some thin mints and let you know that you can have three cookies and still be within a healthy dessert range according to First Place. lol.
Woo hoo! Three cookies=healthy dessert? I'm game!!! Are you bringing the sheet to church on Sunday?
yes. we will find you :)
you are so bad, exploiting like this miss shontell, tsk, tsk!!
thanx for the shout out, but really my addiction to thin mints goes way back and is uncontrolable, truly those boxes will be gone in a day especially since i've been working out. doesn't that afford me to eat a whole box??
See, it's not the Thin Mints I have a problem with... It's the darn Peanut Butter Patties... If I let myself, I could EASILY eat the whole box in one day...
i like the thin-mints when i'm feeling a bit chunky. :>0
see i think the word chunky has a negative connotation to it. right up there with crusty, caked, and smothered. i certainly dont want to be any of those things. and i doubt my chicken does either.
okay... when i'm feeling rather "thick", i like to eat thin-mints. :>0 it's all semantics.
mmmm...caramel and chocolate and coconut...mmmm...what are those called?
mmm. caramel delights
this is news to me, i have not partaken in any of said thin mints, however, i would be interested in lot's o caramel delights.
are they really made out of girl scouts?
Ooooh oooooh ooooh! What're those carmel-y chocolate-y coconut thingymabobbers? Those are scrumdidilyumptious.
see and why did they change the name from samoas to caramel delights? i think you would all agree it would be a delight to share a name with such a scrumptious treat.
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