This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Let me just say that I love history, but sometimes I feel better before I learn about things. The Man and I are watching some special on the history channel about the craziness of the 70s. Hilarious generation for the most part....except for Mr. Jim Jones. ::shudder:: For those of you not as familiar, he was the "pastor" that began a church turned commune and then encouraged over 900 of the people to drink their lives away to cherry Flavor-Aid cocktail. I have heard this story in an off the cuff sort of way. Tonight, though, they showed video taken during the mass suicide. They gave it to the babies first. Then they encouraged the families to lay down together, face down, kind of in a pile. There were clusters and rows and rows of people. Those little babies. I don't like sadness. There was one little chubby baby boy, right around Sam -0-Saurus' age. He was laying down next to his mommy. ::sniff:: Stupid emotions. Stupid people. Stupid Jim Jones. Stupid history.


Jessie said...

stupid cherry kool-aid!!!

shontell said...

YES! and according to this documentary it was Flavor-Aid. I only say this because if you live with near a thousand people, take their money regularly, and then are going to convince them to kill themselves to make you infamous, can't you at least spring for Kool-aid? Honestly!

No(dot dot)el said...

i love how you ended this blog because sometimes the word STUPID is just so great and i for one love to use that word at the end of movies that make me cry to much or when for instance our beloved cat hunter died. some things that sad are just stupid. maybe that's where zay is getting the stupid talk from.

shontell said...

lol. I forgot to tell you how he shared about your catty. I quote," Our cat got dead for the car." lol I was asking the kids what a kitty says.