This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why I like Mike #14

HE IS HOME!! The Man had a fun filled weekend where he allowed the fish of the east to control his brain. But now, he is right where he should be...asleep soundly on my living room sofa while I tap tap away on my puter. I never thought I would like him as much as I do now. I always thought we would just be existing after 11 years of marriage. God has done a great job of keeping my Hot Lips irresistible. I know that 11 years of marriage and 30 years of bdays isn't really old, but when I was younger, I thought life was over near 25. I remember when Mike and I were still dating. He told me he would be willing to wear cowboy boots when he is 26. I don't know why he picked THAT age, other than we both must have thought 26 was really old! i still haven't been able to get him into those boots, but we have a better grasp on what elderly really means. Here, let's do word association-



elderly-Louie (not Louise)

see..we have a better grasp. ::snicker::


Anonymous said...

Isn't marriage awesome when God is in the center? What was your gift?

Jeni said...

What? Life is over at twenty-five? Dang, no wonder the last couple of years have been so weird. My life was over two and a half years ago!!! :)
Sorry, but I can picture EVERYONE in your family in cowboy boots except for Mike... :P

TimmyMac said...

It gets better with age, not worse . . . at least that's what I whisper in Sue's ear when I'm getting my geriatric freak on . . .