This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


You just have never flown until you get on a (delayed) flight with a drunk guy, a 97 year old birthday boy on his first flight, and a girl and her baby, the girl who is apparently stretching out her earlobes so her daughter can spit spit wads through them when they all get bigger. Oh and don't forget about the guy who has to holler when he speaks. Watch for me on Punk'd. I really think I was being filmed as all of that could not have been a coincidence!

It is good to be home. See you all on Sunday.


digapigmy said...

unless one of the passengers was naked, you probably weren't on punk'd. that's a pretty good idea, now that i think about it. you should call up ashton.

digapigmy said...

oh yeah, and welcome back.

TimmyMac said...

I remember one flight where I sat next to a lady who insisted on barking into her barf bag for most of the flight . . . I skipped the in-flight dinner that night . . .

On the bright side, I'm always telling Sue, "you've got to live it if you want to tell about it" . . . and you sure have great stories, Shontell!

shontell said...

:) thanks boys

Jeni said...

I think it's just that you draw quirky people to you so that you can have HILARIOUS stories to tell us... Just think of it as a blessing--when these things happen, at least you know that someone will be getting a good laugh out of them... :)

P.S. Sorry I missed you this morning...

JayBird said...

Congrats on your new van-- very nice. The whole crew together at last.