This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back In Reno Sans The Man

Washington is truly a beautiful state. Well, the 30 mile radius we visited. Beautiful. We got to be a little touristy and visit the Pike(s) Place(s) Market(s)*. Most of it was closed, but it was amazingly clean. After living in Nevada for so long, I am not sure how I feel about living in a place with no nudity and no garbage strewn about. I DID have my picture made beneath the very first Starbucks sign ever hung, but the line was too long to get a drink. The sun even peeked through the clouds and shooed them away at one point. Beautiful. My hair was remarkably tame, but that may be false advertising. My favorite part was the endless chatting my friend No(dot dot) el is able to keep up with when we talk over coffee and blankets. I could have spent a week with her and not caught up with the last two years. Thank you friends for being the sort of people who can simply pick up where we left off being friends. Thanks for driving us around and letting us have a room at the Scofield Inn. And thanks for getting my jokes. You are a rare breed.

*I realize there are no esses on these words. That is my ode to Moses, the tallest man.

1 comment:

No(dot dot)el said...

Ahh, I feel the same way. SO thankful for our friendship and your inspirational family! I am determined to make sure that you see more than a 30 mile radius next time. And you are more than welcome, in fact it was absolutely our pleasure!