This Where the Nonsense Turns to Makesense

..A large family working to perfect our sweet skills: Loving others, making an impact, parenting on purpose, living simply, and embracing sarcasm.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Two Face Tony

Sometimes I put my big fat foot in my mouth. Down there, see me pointing, I went ON AND ON about how much Pintrest overwhelms me. I thought about joining a support group. I thought about getting my drink on and putting balls to the walls till I mastered that website. (what a gross saying. I won't ever use it again. What does it mean!) anyhow.
Then. Last night. Or rather, this morning at 4am. I found that Pintrest offers an app. FOR FREE. I was on there for a smooth 20 minutes. Or an hour. Whatevers. I got the app. Happy!!?


No(dot dot)el said...

Good JOB Queenie!! IT can be quite the resourceful tool. And it is always a woman's prerogative to change her mind at any given time for any given reason. Did I teach you nothing??

shontell said...

Lol. Well then I change my mind. I want to live in Washington. I want to snuggle. I may die when our girl gets to move there and I am still here

No(dot dot)el said...

YAY please just come on up when she gets here. I might not be here anymore but ya know... SHEESH!! Crazy, silly, LIFE!!

Mothering with Creativity said...

LOVE! My boss and I am are now wondering what we ever did for lesson planning before...most of our lesson-related conversations begin with "there was this one thing on Pinterest" or "lets look up some X themed ideas on Pinterest". ha. Makes our jobs way easier! It's a great resource!

rachelcantwell said...

no you did not.

shontell said...

YES and I am still a little unsure. The app is certainly less overwhelming, but it's clearly owned by Facebook who I will never give in to. I am not allowed to pin anything because I don't have an account. So I just take a pic with my phone. I am a rebel dottie. A loner.